Serenity in Abstraction

"Serenity in Abstraction" by Ukrainian artist Iryna Malynovska is an 80 cm by 100 cm oil painting featuring a symphony of both cool and warm colors, blended in an abstract expressionist style that provokes contemplation.
Titled "Serenity in Abstraction," this visual expression of tranquility and raw emotion spans a palette of soothing and vibrant colors.
The 80 cm by 100 cm oil on canvas piece captures the essence of abstraction with notable technical prowess.
Ukrainian artist Iryna Malynovska employs shades of mauve, pink, white, with hints of green and black to create a rich texture and depth that almost appears three-dimensional. Bold brushstrokes and delicate splatters merge to form an image that defies traditional representation, leaving interpretation up to the beholder.

Every element in this composition has been thoughtfully placed to balance the artwork: areas of bright color draw the eye, while darker areas provide a visual resting space, creating an overall visual experience that is both stimulating and soothing. Malynovska's layered painting technique imparts a sense of movement and vital energy, while allowing subtle hues and light variations to emerge from the canvas.
Creation Multimedia Sandoz Trading sas by Michel Sandoz